Thursday, April 24, 2014

What Ails Her?

“It’s sweet that he thinks there’s a story?”

Now that March Madness is over (far, far over) and April lurches spring into summer, I can say for certain the Big Bang Theory is regaining its story again. Sheldon dropped String Theory…until he picks it up again, probably. Amy might be ready to move on in their relationship! Raj has a girlfriend! Penny has a movie!

It makes me wary of the season finale. How many more seasons can we expect? FRIENDS only had 10.

In the midst of Anything Can Happen Thursday, Sheldon, Penny, and Leonard find Bernadette and Amy having drinks with out them. For mature and responsible reasons! The nerve! Frustrated by her movie and their behavior, Penny drags Sheldon along with her to continue their night. She leaves Leonard behind…for some reason.

She and Sheldon wind up at a fortune teller’s quarters, where the needlessly patient medium tells Sheldon that if he invested in his relationship, the rest of his pursuits would fall into focus. Small chance. We’ll see if the storyline heeds her words; judging by the post-episode clip, the forecast seems cloudy.

Howard and Raj, tending to Howard’s mother, conversely watch a gore flick so Raj won’t lose his cool in front of Emily the following evening, where they will watch the same film. Although, Emily seems a little more than prepared for the probability. Too prepared.
I have to say, a) Raj had a great idea, and b) he handled himself far better than I expected. No nausea quips or running from the room. In fact, the writers added in thought-provoking questions anyone might ask of themselves should they like watching controversial material. Are they mentally unstable? To which, I say, no! No, I’m not unstable for enjoying the socially variant. Yes, I can sit here and watch the How I Met Your Mother finale as many times as I want to!

Next week: Star Wars Episode VII. And the casting decisions surprised everyone.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

"What Is It?" "A quarter."

Let’s see what I missed.

Sheldon couldn’t decide between an Xbox One and PS4, Penny’s grappling with the “gorilla job,” and Raj got in touch with both the online redhead and Lucy.

It’s like the episodes stopped.

March Madness finally made its off-court exit, and Sheldon might have waited a little too long to buy either the Xbox One or the PS4.  Released at the same time and leaving lots of competition in their wake, anyone who followed E3 2013 would understand his dilemma. Anyone else might have been a little lost for wear in this plot line.

Penny discovers, after yet another failed audition, the horror-movie-gorilla roll came back around with swinging fists. Now that Leonard’s more supportive, the choice really does rest with her. On the one hand, she needed the rent money. On the other…well, Monkey See Monkey Kill.
Anyone with the opportunity to share a cast list with Wil Wheaton, however, shouldn’t pass up the chance lightly. Bring on the bikinis.

The biggest surprise this episode rested with Raj’s sanity. Between the lot, he ended up demonstrating most that yes, I did miss a month’s worth of character development.
When he apologizes with his happenstantial online dating match, he reignites a second chance and dinner date. And so naturally fate has to make his life harder by default. That very evening, Lucy e-mails him to meet and catch up. Penny choosing jobs and Raj choosing suitors? Is it still April Fools?

I’m a little confused by the ever-present Lucy; if you’re going to cite the character so much, at least pay her actress to come on set once in awhile! Then again, I do like this new character. We’ll see if Raj’s astronomy evening works its star-crossed magic.

Next week, we’ll not be watching How I Met Your Mother and perhaps finally get to see what game console takes up the last slot on Sheldon’s entertainment system.