Friday, December 7, 2012

Turtle Power!

Sheldon might put the "fun" in "funeral," but he didn't kill any of his jokes (or my side-busting) with this new episode of Big Bang Theory. A lot of the cast came together this time, in pairings we don’t often see in the series. Of a more ground-breaking fashion, Howard and Bernadette’s father, his father-in-law. Of a risqué nature, akin to Two Broke Girls, Sheldon and Amy.
Of a gross kind, Howard and “the worm.”

In an effort to find common ground between Howard and his father-in-law, Bernadette proposed a fishing trip between the two. Perhaps they’re not leaves off the same branch, but the “father-and-son” duo have one switch in common: their wives. Even the big-man astronaut gets an accented snap every once in awhile, proving everyone has their shining badge; Howard’s might be his career, and Bernadette’s father’s might be his strength and intimidating nature.

Astronaut training apparently didn’t develop the type of skill and steady hand to hook a worm, however. Sure, keep yourself from getting airsick, but almost lose your lunch over gutting a fish. The “manly” Penny can’t help but acknowledge the friends’ off-kilter variety of support: "Cheerleading. Way to man things up."

Pre-memorial service, Sheldon finds Amy Farrah Fowler sick in a bathrobe and, after some relationship-agreement wheedling, remembers its his duty to take care of his girlfriend (with some uncharacteristically sweet words, I might add). However, Sheldon’s naiveté gets the best of him, as his feel-better methods tend toward the more…physical. As do his punishment methods.

But I won’t delve into the juicy details for anyone who hasn’t seen the show yet!  Just leave the article well aware Amy finds herself a particularly speedy recovery, placebos notwithstanding.

I privately hope they go more into Howard’s own family life in later episodes, after his father revelation. Until then, however, be curious about--or rest assured you don’t share—the other brainiacs’ eclectic parents.

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