Friday, January 11, 2013

Team, or Time-Bomb?


Well, wasn’t this episode a packed bundle? It’s boys versus girls in this fan fracas.
Let’s get down to it.

Leonard, Sheldon, Raj, and Howard take on Comic Con! I’m glad they’re branching into this fanboy arena—the time and effort put into cosplays goes largely ignored. Still waiting to see how they treat the practice in the next half hour.

“What was that for?” “To show people when they don’t believe me.”
-- Penny and Leonard

Perhaps I’m a bit biased myself, but Penny, Amy, and Bernadette’s brunch scene seemed a bit canned. Unless CBS’ made a parody of their comic-con diatribe, their whole speculation felt trope filled. Then again, shouldn’t I have guessed it was parody from the start, if indeed it was?
Though the comic-book store venture to follow wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it’d be. In fact, Penny and Stewart noted what I’ve noticed to be on the minds of most fans everywhere, following his movies and The Avengers: Thor IS hot.

I’m certainly of the opinion the girls needed to lighten up a bit—the photo-shoot scene was adorable. Sans carjacking, of course.

“The only thing left to do now is assign blame. Nice going!”
-- Sheldon to Raj

At the same time, as the episode continues I recognize CBS execs know very well what they’re doing, as evidenced by the way the girls argued this time in the same way the boys argue each and every show. I liked that the network showed transition, added a bit of reality to the sitcom. There are many people in this world, after all!

Overall I enjoyed the flipside-style episode: the carjacked comic-con goers get a dose of  “street” smarts and the girls find their inner nerd. Because, in the paraphrased words of author John Green, what is a nerd but one whom gets really excited about something they love? May the nerds inherit the earth!

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