Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Mystery's History

I stayed busy over the weekend, researching articles, trying to find the best gossip and news for the end-of-season holiday interim. But then, I heard a story.
One of my good friends, who shall remain nameless, found out she was Google-searched prior to a recent date!

She insisted her unobtrusive date meant nothing by the search and, most interestingly of all, based off the advice of a certain award-winning sitcom.
Sound familiar? That’d be because the plot came from the season 7-slammer, Mystery vs. History, of How I Met Your Mother.

Sure, the Internet makes background-checks more familiar and routine. I’ve faced interviews with stacks of Facebook photos and old high school essays myself, but dates? However well meaning the gentleman in question, it raises the dilemma: should you Google-search your next date, or significant other?
More importantly, should you tell them about it?

Let’s take a closer look at the episode.

Ted insists he doesn’t need to Google-search his upcoming date with Janet McIntyre for topic ideas, in spite of his pushy friends, should he accidentally happen upon her deepest and darkest. He, understandably, wants to get to know her for her personality, not her personal history.

But did the resource-lack keep him from holding an interesting conversation? Probably as much as using the net does, later, when he gives in to temptation and discovers Janet accomplished much in her short career life. Knowing he broke their deal based on his demeanor, Janet stops seeing Ted and continues waiting for the person who won’t see her for her progress.
Dammit, Janet.

Ted’s own plan failed, though for a lackluster reason compared to discovering she was an ex-con or something like. Lesson learned for the architect and, perhaps, my friend’s prospect: if you lack a conversation topic, just watch a program or see a movie! Or question why you want to see said date in the first place.
Reading some blog articles wouldn’t be a bad idea, either.

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