Thursday, October 24, 2013

"Is That Shakespeare?"

I’d hedge a bet that this was the most endearing episode of Big Bang Theory this season—and can you believe we’re only on Episode 6?

Everyone got a touch of romance. Well. Raj got his vicariously through Howard’s enjoyment, but. Anyway.

There were many plots, twists, and a whole lot of quotes I feel like sharing (seriously, the writers were on their game tonight!). And so, excuse me while I relegate the rest to bullet point format:

  • ·      “When did we get to the Cheesecake Factory?” – Sheldon
  • ·      Howard’s writing a song to celebrate his first date with Bernadette, Sheldon’s headlong into discovering a super-heavy element, and Penny still works at the Cheesecake factory.
  • ·      “Can’t talk, in the zone.” – Sheldon…and Amy
  • ·      Penny feels like she needs to latch onto that one romantic bone in her body, to prove to Leonard it exists, and discovers she can actually be romantic just by being her; without really trying at all.
  • ·      “I feel like my mind just made a baby.” – Sheldon
  • ·      Bernadette isn’t shy about her pharmaceutical endeavors. Nor is she especially careful. When she quarantines herself the night of their first-date anniversary, Howard brings the date to her—along with the carefully crafted and totally sweet song he wrote. Everyone played a part and I grinned at the TV like a small child.
  • ·      “Congratulations, Dr. Fowler. You just made the fort.” – Sheldon
  • ·      Sheldon’s snagging all of tonight’s quotes.
  • ·      I’ll never be unhappy for Dr. Who references in The Big Bang Theory.
  • ·      I remembered partway through the episode that we haven’t heard one peep from CBS about the gang’s Halloween costumes this year. The gang…I just made them sound like they piled out of the Mystery Machine.

Don’t forget! For this year’s Halloween, use the codes on the Cool TV Props Facebook page to secure $5 off one $40 purchase, or $10 off one $60 purchase!

Happy Halloween…see you next week!

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