Monday, October 21, 2013

Wedding at Barney's

Just as Indy chose the Grail that didn’t shine as brightly on the outside, Ted might have picked the woman with a bit more to offer than he could handle.
Unlike Indy, however…Ted is not Indy.

Partway into the wedding and everyone’s coupling off. Barney gives his purported wise recommendations, but, on the other hand, he isn’t exactly the world’s best truth-teller.
While Ted carts around Cassie’s emotional baggage (and didn’t Ellie Kemper do a great job?), Barney and Robin have to face the reverend with one more surprise out of their fedora: that to secure the church, they stole Lily and Marshall’s wonderful “how they met” tale, in order to wow the man. It worked, they found their in (and all it’s ‘cute’), and Lily didn’t make the best first impressions with the Father.

Somehow, they manage to tie the theme of first impressions and lies and withheld truths in Marshall’s segment of the plot; maybe he proves their “how they met” story was fit to be tied anyway. His car-partner helps coach him (“What the damn hell?!”) through how he’ll ultimately tell Lily about his judgeship…only to text Lily the news in a fit of her own rage. We didn’t see the outcome of the choice, however. We’ll need to see what The Convincer can do next week, and see if he picks up any more nicknames in the process.

In all honesty, I spent a bit of time eyeing the clock while the episode tick-tocked. Not sure what made it crawl, but next week’s Halloween special looks like a real treat.
Yes, I went there.

Favorite quotes include!

“The Holy Grail.”
“Of CUPS, exactly!”
--Ted and Barney

“It was either that or writing our vows. Ugh, gag.”

“You tip…poorly.”
--The Knight

“Unless…wedding at Barney—“
“We’re not having Wedding at Barney’s!”
--Barney and Robin

I dunno kids…there’s still time, don’t you think?

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