Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Dinner Party: HIMYM v.2

Another blogger tries their hand at a HIMYM get-together feast for themselves and four other bros. No, your writer didn’t find the article scrolling through Cool TV Prop’s Pinterest or anything.
Next to my decoration-centric assessment, the author included a thorough menu for the night’s affairs. Ingredients include,
“Four of your closest friends, an eight-track of Robin Sparkles' hit, "Let's Go to the Mall," and an outrageously large Champagne bottle that's been saved for such an occasion.”
Doesn’t that just sound like anyone else’s Friday night?
Let’s analyze the TV dinner, brought to you by

For prep, Joanna suggests transforming your dining area into the gang’s trademark MacLaren’s booth, before urging your guests to arrive suited up for the evening. Not bad, but I already know we can do one better: suits on suits on suits. Wear the three-piece to dine, and have some extra BroBibs on reserve to keep your guest’s ties neat and stain-free. We don’t need another red-tie ketchup fiasco while we eat those Ultimate Burgers.

Speaking of, the menu looks something like this: scotch, cigars, buffalo wings and Nuked Nachos, Marshall’s Ultimate Burger (good luck replicating one of those—if you can, just pass it along over this way), and jello-salad. Stick on servings of bar-scene sides. For dessert, the author invented Bleeding Heart cupcakes, garnished with problematic pineapple, to salute the show’s hero (or crisis, depending on how you look at it).

I’ll add to the party tips with a few other favors. For the photo shoot, why not replicate the show’s opening sequence for your scrapbook (or Facebook photo album)?  Filtering is a must. Midway through the dinner, pick a friend (or five) to stage an Intervention for, banner included. And Blue French Horn keychains make the best thanks when your guests see themselves out—blue instruments snagged from the best dinner they’ve attended all year.

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