Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cat's Out of the Bag

“As you can see from your commemorative t-shirts, which I have dubbed, Sheldon’s Council of Ladies.
“…What is happening?”
--Sheldon and Penny, inaugurating the lady-council

As you know from the episode, Sheldon called upon a team meeting for lady advice once Alex reappeared at the beginning of Big Bang Theory season 6. His issues harken back to the days of her flirtatious behavior with Leonard, and he needs advice from the only three other women in his life he’s well acquainted with.

Enter the Council.

Sheldon gathers them together in Penny’s apartment and describes the office scenario: how the ginger Mexican navy man, eclipsed by his famous genius roommates’ prowess, now suffers the advances of the assistant colleague with the impossible-to-spell exotic name.
If that made no sense, Sheldon, with his imagination for lies and deceit, went overboard in choosing aliases for himself, Leonard, and his office assistant Alex. Well, for the latter two at least. He seemed to have no trouble calling himself “Dr. Einstein von Brainstorm.”

But this is where the rest of you come in. When the council unanimously—and swiftly—calls upon Sheldon to speak with Alex, he demanded back their t-shirts and rescinded their posts for being unimaginative. This means, naturally, he has a council that needs chairpeople.
Want to be on the docket?

Of course you do, which lady wouldn’t want to be on Sheldon’s Council of Ladies? I’m sure he’d be astounded over how large the council’s grown, seeing how many women own the now famous Council of Ladies t-shirt. Sign up’s easy. Just go to the Cool TV Props shop and purchase your order today! They come in ladies’ cut and ship worldwide.
Maybe someday every councilwoman can meet over tea and cookies in apartments around the globe. For now, we can all assist Sheldon with symbolic effort in mind.

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