Thursday, February 7, 2013

Droppin' Science, Son

When the group isn’t fighting, they seemed to poke the ribs of a lot of people—women, the lethargic, gymnasts.
Okay, the latter was kind of funny.

Besides discovering Sheldon is a bit misogynistic (and may or may not have a soymilk breakthrough), the Bert and Ernie of the fourth-floor apartment end up fighting over each other’s behavior. Leonard claims he’s had enough and makes plans to move in with Penny. Sure, there isn’t anything Penny doesn’t like about the guy—but not being ready, just for the plain anxiety and fear that comes with not being ready, is a reason. One Leonard, for all his good (if not wine-muddled) intentions, didn’t clearly see.

Howard isn’t brewing any trouble in paradise when he convinces Raj to go check on his mother before he leaves for Vegas with Bernie. Raj agrees to go, despite harshing his Saturday night bliss, though he finds himself in Wolowitz’s PJs soon enough. Who else thought a dinner and chocolate-chip cheesecake would be so beguiling?
And who’s as taken as I am with the pass-through by the mother in the kitchen? Don’t think we didn’t notice—she’s taller than I imagined. Wears more color, too. And that hair!

Meanwhile, Sheldon experiences Penny’s issues on the flipside when Amy comes to Leonard’s conclusion: that there’s no viable reason why she isn’t a good roommate match for Sheldon. Sheldon, like Penny, feels thwarted by the pace, except his own meddling leads to an all-and-out between the four of them. Talk about big bangs.

Amy and Sheldon end the episode on a fighting note, but I can’t get over Sheldon’s bewildered—and scared?—expression when Amy shouts at him. I wish they had resolved their tiff. Sheldon does move slowly, and did hurt Amy with his inaccurate timing, but she didn’t give him room to talk it out in her huff.
If a resolution doesn’t happen in the next episode, I hope it happens in the interim. Relationships take work.

We’ll see if they pick this sword up where they left it, next Thursday.

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