Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Metaphor of the Micro-Valentine

Leonard and CBS bring out their respective “romance ninja” skills in the most endearing episode this season. Everyone toughs out their individual rocky road for the Valentines Day special.
And I don’t mean hypochondriac ice cream-headache brain tumors.

Leonard plans a simple and sweet Valentines Day evening with Penny, Howard and Bernadette, though more than a few things go awry…like always. Howard didn’t want his Assassin’s Creed-time sapped with chores enough to help his overworked wife, and Penny spies across the restaurant her ex-squeeze and ex-friend…soon to be double-crossed all on their own. Absorbed in their engagement, Penny blows off Leonard’s valiant effort and, when asked, admits she has a few (read: an encyclopedia of) commitment issues.

Sappy moment #1: Leonard swears he’ll never propose again—that when Penny is ready to settle, she needs to make the call. Passing over the reigns breaks tradition and tandem for the couple, and gives Penny a Valentines Day to remember.

Alex the Assistant makes a return as Sheldon’s personal shopper, while he’s forced to endure another evening of dinner and gifts. She buckles down and finds the most thoughtful presents she can, with two-grand in small bills, only to discover she couldn’t match Sheldon’s selfish ways.
Yet Amy surprises him in her own right. Parading the “selfish” banner herself, she recognizes the day shouldn’t be about price tags; rather, clock chimes. Sheldon’s genuinely surprised when she elects to order pizza and watch Star Wars with him.

Sappy moment #2: Sheldon learns money doesn’t always buy happiness when his simple act of making Amy his emergency contact brings her to tears.

Raj and Stuart, mingling singles, decide to throw a Valentines Day party at the comic book store and invite all the single regulars, so no one need be alone for the festivities. Raj supports the message completely, until his own sappy moment earns him a spur-of-the-moment coffee date.

Sappy moment #3: Raj makes a singles-speech, talking about how single shouldn’t equal “sad,” and how being together with whomever matters most. He almost meant it, too.

Every couple gets their own, but do I sense a calm before the storm? We’ll find out next Thursday, when you won’t have an excuse not to tune in.

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