Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Foul

This would make for the second barricade I’ve seen since Christmas. Les Miserables, what up.

Ted is feeling all sorts of miserable over his relationship with Jeanette—the girl whom he proudly reminded us awaiting fans was the last girl before he met The Mother, cue the excited screaming—and decides at the behest of his friends to break up with her. We didn’t know at first how the break-up occurred, but we quickly learned what followed: that Jeanette eventually left. We’re 90% sure.

Unfortunately, Ted hadn’t progressed far enough into their relationship to learn Jeanette was a cop for a living, insert Brooklyn-accent here. Even peacekeeping efforts in Star Wars clone attire weren’t enough to keep him safe. Nor was he safe from the wiles of mixed-signals.

“Meanwhile,” Robin shrinks from baby-holding responsibilities, though her efforts become more and more strained over time. See, I was half afraid she didn’t like kids in general (need to see those little Barney Jr’s and Robin Jr’s running around!).
Until Robin gets put on Marvin-watching duty, when Lilly loses his favorite binkie, and progressively lets the following story unfold in an epic seventeen-year saga:
1. She lets a stranger hold Marvin.
2. She loses control of the stroller and lets it roll into traffic.
3. The stranger brings the duo out of the cold into a strip club.
4. Said stranger is (Senator) Mike Tyson.

The ambiguous old lady with the face tattoo wasn’t the one to leave the strongest parting advice, however—Lilly actually said it best. That Ted had been acting a little crazy and, with a dose of his own medicine, being with Jeanette for now might be best.
Next to The Mother, she’s going to be the best thing for him, CBS swears it.

Aside from wondering who they’ll cast as the mysterious yellow-umbrella-owner, I half wonder how they gathered their guest-spot celebrities…and if there will be any more to follow.

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