Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ooh, Halloweenies!

Well, if this wasn’t the episode to floor all episodes. Break fast, audience, and don’t be tricked into getting out those Justice League costumes again—it’s Halloween in Santa Monica for the Big Bang Theory!

Sheldon and Amy spend the episode going back and forth over notable and noteworthy “couples costumes” which, according to Dr. Cooper, are “one of the few benefits of being in a relationship.”
While I know a few sympathetic people, I can say I sided with Amy and her disposition on the matter; Raggedy Ann and Andy would have been adorable! Nevertheless, I pride them on their compromise—even if Sheldon loathes admitting Amy doesn’t care for Star Wars.

Though Howard shone brighter than stars when he, once again, faced a wall with the others over the space topic. Again. And again. I felt bad for the little astronaut! This time, we discovered his true concerns on the matter: without his spacetime glory, he’d be the plain-old Howard Wolowitz once more. The endearing lines to follow fast became my favorite:

Bernadette: “Plain old Howard Wolowitz is the best guy I know.”
Howard: “You’re just saying that.”
Bernadette: “No I’m not. I married him—on purpose!”

Lastly, I think something other than a prop would ring my neck if I didn’t comment on Leonard and Penny…and the laboratory. I have a half-page of notes and quotes, though I think I can summarize all our sentiments with a few observations.

One: If Leonard isn’t careful, he’s going to knock something over.
Two: Theory of Relativity.

I’d be perfectly happy with never hearing a repeat of Einstein’s accent in that context ever again. However, I did appreciate the special effects in Leonard’s laboratory, even through the ooh-ing and aah-ing laugh track.

The series came full circle with yet another themed party in the comic book store…but what about next week? Or even, next holiday? By the time next episode airs, Halloween will be history. Until then!

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