Thursday, October 11, 2012

You Can Stand Under My—

Two’s certainly a party come Halloween, the wildest night of the year, no matter where you live…unless you’re from New Jersey. Maybe you keep it calm after taking the kids out trick or treating (How I Met Your Mother fans, spare them one night of reviving the eight-season-long story), or maybe you’re trying to hit up the city nightlife with your fellow married and bachelor friends alike. Whether or not the rain falls on your neck of the woods, I say ladies should give their own Ted Mosby a helping hand with the “yellow umbrella” from Farhampton.

Now hopefully your Halloween doesn’t see a shower—bass guitars and water don’t mix—though you’ll certainly spy a lot of wandering and wondering eyes pouring in. Make this the first Halloween your costume grabs some attention through mystery! If you’ve already found Ted, look for a plaid shirt or sweater, and maybe rumple their hair up a bit. Don’t forget your long-coat and guitar case! If you’re going solo, amp up the game and find a creative way to hide your face. If we’re still waiting in agony for the plot twist, so should everyone sneaking a peek under your parasol.

I wish I’d planned my costume a little earlier; I would have picked out the umbrella with the “Right Time, Right Place” logo. Or, for an added suggestion, “Have You Met…” is a better conversation-starter than anything Barney could dream up. Of course, we have a plain yellow option for those fans particularly set on washing-up next to their future soul mate one rainy evening. The idea does hit the romantic nail on the head.

I’ll leave you all with a sappy quote while I can still get away with it, and focus on the bachelors among you next time!

“When you meet the right person, you know it. You can’t stop thinking about them. They’re your best friend, and your soul mate. You can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with them. No one and nothing else can compare.”

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