Sunday, October 28, 2012


I’m a little embarrassed I didn’t touch on the subject before now, for all my How I Met Your Mother excitement (finally a new episode tomorrow!): The Bro Code.

Ladies and gents alike, pay attention. We imply The Bro Code (TBC) in life and in leisure, or in the lives of our favorite Manhattanites—maybe second-favorite for some of you Friends diehards. So, what IS it? Urban Dictionary states TBC, or the Golden Rules of Manliness, and I quote, is “the Rules/Guidlines to being a good BRO. its also considered a living document. like the constitution or the bill of rights.”

Ehem. Spell-check not included.

However, Tumblr, Twitter, and all other devotee hotspots agree: TBC is and was perfected by Barney Stinson in his valiant achievement of Bro. And if I want to be Barney Stinson when I grow up, aka Bro, I should probably pay closer attention.

According to ever-accurate Wikipedia, TBC history stands as follows:

            “In the year 1776, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington were having a drink in Philadelphia when Franklin accused Washington of “codpiece block[ing]” him. Washington remarked there was no rule against it and Franklin insisted that there should be. Barnabus Stinson stepped in and offered to write this collection of rules when Washington and Franklin each said they were too busy.”

Thanks to the wisdom of Barnabus Stinson, we call upon the code in times of needed Brovention (not to be confused with the infamous “intervention”) or guidance.

The only incorrect thing fans agreed upon was that TBC wasn’t an established document—they think it’s dictated, but not written.


TBC now comes in book form, for statured Bros and Brochievers alike. The document records all Articles of Bro and their exceptions where needed, including some of my favorites:

·      ARTICLE 7:
You are allowed to enjoy exactly one chick TV show, and one chick flick. You may have no more. And if you like Grease, well, we’re already too late.

·      ARTICLE 26:
A bro will, in a timely manner, alert his bro to the existence of a girl fight.

·      ARTICLE 40
Love thy neigh-bro.

Until the recap, broskies.

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