Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Threat Of The Baby-Zombies

The episode focusing on the when…and the where…of it all. Even if Lily and Marshall couldn’t grasp either concept in their sleep-deprived state. I found, first thing, I could relate; sleep-deprived work shifts, classes, hours at the library. The last four years of my life. Everyone has those days…or weeks.

Regardless, the episode and its subsequent pairs churned out many one-liners for my wisecracking enjoyment:
“This calls for some champagne!”
“You know, the leaving-someone-at-the-altar note?” (Because everyone knows about THAT note.)
“Challenge accepted!”
“622 West 14th Street.” (This one was sweet and revealed that Barney does possess something heart-like.)

Digesting the episode in its entirety, I bounced around between more than a few polar-opposite ideas. For example: does anyone else now have the urge to Photoshop Barney riding a Grizzly bear down a church isle? Akin to how he replaced Robin with a tiger?

Or the cuteness of the line, “You’re not stealing me. I’m choosing you,” mixed with the inevitable knowledge Victoria probably isn’t…the German phrase for lifelong treasure of fate. I literally thought, dun dun dun.

A whole other branch of characters went in and out this go-round—the fiancé, Nick and his emergency-abs, and…drumroll please…the umbrella-toting “mother,” Ted’s future, lasting, bride-to-be. Not only do I want the final monologue in its entirety written somewhere (again, banking on the internet here), the particular line, “It’s something that happens instantaneously,” stuck out to me strongest. Will Ted know instantly when he sees his “treasure?” Or, for a plot twist, has he already seen her? What if we’ve known all along?

The episode was an excellent recap for the remainder of the series, for sure…and a reminder than I sensed potential stormy Robin and Barney waters in the future. Not the kind due to Hurricane Sandy, at least. Stay dry and stay hopeful until the new episode next week!

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