Friday, November 30, 2012

A Nice Touch

Life-changing moments in Big Bang Theory, continued (from some other place one lists life-changing moments in Big Bang Theory): Sheldon owns another spot. Even by the conclusion of this episode.
Sound the alarm…or the car-horn.

Sprinkled between the mummies-versus-zombies debate, Howard comes to his friends about his brand new car, kept in parking spot 294. News to us, and the rest of the scientists, however, is that this happens to be Sheldon’s spot; for location, shade, and one “delightful squirrel.”

When Howard and Sheldon really dive into their rut, Bernadette and Amy discover they can’t remain impartial on the issue. But fighting it out—in many ways, I noticed, with much harsher sentiments than either of their husbands—both revealed the ladies’ true colors and brought them closer together in the end. Evidently, Penny’s true color is purple, given the state of her nose. Hope she’s doing okay.

I loved the parallels in this episode best—even Leonard and Penny seemed to have reflecting roles, save that Leonard was spared the brunt of a coffee-can full of coins. At least everyone on both sides knew when enough was enough; even if it took crushed Benadryl and Raj playing mediator to do so.

Another highlight of the episode: did anyone notice Sheldon’s 73 t-shirt? He wore it following stealing Howard’s Iron Man collectible mask. After getting a hold of it in the shop, all you have to do is find the mask, and you too can be all set for Comic Con.

To which I leave you with the episode’s best quotes, instead of a dry-cleaner’s ticket:

“I always listen to myself. It’s one of the great joys of my life.”
-- Sheldon

“Payback. It truly is the B-word, isn’t it?”
-- Sheldon

“Which sounds dirty but I didn’t mean it that way!
-- Bernadette

“Freakin’ pigs!”
-- Amy

“FYI if you wear that into a bank, they WILL tackle you into the ground.”
-- Sheldon

Until Thursday!

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