Monday, November 5, 2012

Bon Apa-Sweet

 Was this episode worth the wait? Oh please. Is the French Horn blue? Is Nick the Bad Boy Chef?

 Besides Nick’s cable-access cooking show, the episode ignited all of my feelings for Robin and Ted, Robin and Barney, Barney and Brover and, lastly, Victoria. But we’ll get to all of that in just a moment.

I don’t think anyone is floored that Ted can’t get the hint. Poor Ted. Poor kind, sweet, naïve Ted, who just wants a woman to grow old with. Unfortunately, that woman won’t be Victoria. I’m still holding out hope it’s Robin. Also that Robin and Barney reunite. My feelings are complicated.
Episode live-commentary: “She’ll never be in love with me. She’ll never be my wife. She’ll never be the person I grow old with. Victoria…Victora could be.”
-- Ted Mosby. Spoiler alert, she probably isn’t.

Barney discovers the meaning of a “true” wingman. Unlike wingmen, dogs don’t possess wings, but they’re awfully cute and do come to some small service at the end of the day. Literally, for Barney “Bro” Stinson.

Now, am I missing a loop here, or does Marshall’s new hairstyle and collared-sweater attire come as a surprise to anyone else? Lilly’s making an honest man out of him, so it seems. Well. “Honest” and “man” are left up to debate after this episode’s happenings.

Episode live-commentary: “Marshall, why is [your Inner Goddess] Southern?” “Shh, don’t break the connection.”
-- Ted and Lilly, while Marshall was offering The Help.

While I pick my jaw up off the floor after the drastic endscene, I leave you all tonight with the best of: Nick’s catch-phrase search.

“All aboard the chow-chow train!”

“Oh my gosh, who’s ready to nosh?”

“And now, who’s ready to eat my meat? Oh, come on!”

“They’re gonna be bon apa-sweet! Damn.”

Sorry Nick. Not much can really compete with bam!

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