Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Peephole Frame

The same peephole-frame decorating Monica and Rachel’s front door for ten full seasons (not missing a single episode) actually had a rocky—and coincidental—start. Yet the iconic frame remains the most notable piece of F.R.I.E.N.D.S set equipment…even if the tech crew didn’t intend its use. Perhaps the piece faded into the background in lieu of more interesting scenes; namely, for me, every eavesdropping scene in eleven years of show-time. Or ducks in the hallway, or dropped desserts, or kitchen-side arguments and mish-mashed recipes. The yellow mount also marked the end of an era, the subject of the very last “frame” for the close of the series. Frameception.

Actually, the frame itself began as a wall-mirror. One of the workers on set, prior to filming, broke the mirror before it could be used. So they didn’t have to waste any of the set, the crew hung it over the peephole, where it remained as speculative evidence for surrealism in nineties TV shows.
Fortunately, we don’t need Wikipedia articles to identify the frame as F.R.I.E.N.D.S memorabilia—or to find a way to feature it over your front door.

Enter, CoolTVProps. Just in time for the holiday season (making this my very first of many holiday articles), the life-size frame is up for pre-order online. Large enough to use over a peephole, or to replace an ordinary frame, the 12.5 by 11 piece is hand-crafted by an artisan to appear vintage and classic. Just don’t go about breaking it like the F.R.I.E.N.D.S set-hands.
If the frame is a little large for your needs, the key-chain version or fridge magnet is about a tenth the size, though just as noteworthy and thoughtful.

The frame might have been an accident to start. Yet, it rose its way through the seasons to earn the highest title-spot of all. Make it last past the screen in your own home; buy any two F.R.I.E.N.D.S products today and get the keychain for free!

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