Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Best Wingman

 The day after a new episode airs, I usually scan the vast social media web and glean what the fans thought of the program. Never mind my recaps—those are my own reactions, usually from JUST after the credits roll. Now the fans get their turn and, while combing through the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, one theme repeats itself over and over:

All the fans are “skreeing” over Barney and Robin.

Barney and Robin, Barney and Robin. The couple-that-was, the bro’s, the “best wingman ever.” I knew I was excited they (very nearly) reunited a number of times over the course of this episode and the last. And it wouldn’t have been the first time Barney hid his feelings, or they dated behind the backs of their friends—and viewers—alike.

But before any such event occurs, we get to explore the reactions of the general public.

The winning quote? “I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows.” While I cringe at the thought, admittedly, some Twilight diehards might be thankful for this script similarity to the vampire love story’s famous line.

Gifs, paneled images, brought back to life the “best wingman” line from the episode before, along with “reaction-images” of Marshall screaming to best convey their collective “feels.”

Yes, the fans are re-examining the best and worst of their past relationships, from the troubled car-rides to the legen—dary makeups, to the yellow raincoat Robin wore when they kissed in the rain. Remind anyone of a certain…umbrella?

They all agree upon one thing: Barney and Robin were a good couple. They remain wholly convinced—I’m not being biased, I promise—Robin still has a “hold on [Barney’s] heart.” For now, at least; only some fans wish forever more, as well.

One last fun fact: six languages.
The number of languages I counted when I read multiple quotes of Barney’s “false” love confession to Nick. HIMYM is truly a global phenomenon.

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