Friday, November 16, 2012


...Amy? Penny? Sometimes even, Sheldon?

The sidelong joke began in the series as just another of Sheldon Cooper’s OCD habits—two episodes ago, he even realized in a full-on drunken stupor he only knocked on Will Wheaton’s house twice—and evolved into a huge hallmark of the Big Bang Theory series.

(Fun fact: on more than one early occasion, the number of knocks was actually four. The fans remember three, more rhythmically, and three is the number featured on many a t-shirt!)

To celebrate the classic parallel to the original brand of humor, a brief overview of the more classic “knock-knock-jokes.”

Reasons why Sheldon’s knocked on Penny’s door (usually during crude waking hours):

Penny: “Sheldon, what is it?”
Sheldon: “Leonard’s asleep.”
Penny: “…Thanks for the update.”

Sheldon: “Penny. Penny. Penny.”
Penny: “What?”
Sheldon: “This is banana bread.”
Penny: -pointing to the door- “This is a doorknob.”

Sheldon: “Penny. Penny--”
Penny: “What?
Sheldon: -knocks one more succession- “…Penny.”

Sheldon: -after checking his watch- “Penny. Penny. Penny.”
Penny: Opens the door. Sheldon braces himself.
Penny: “…Sheldon.”
Sheldon: “It’s 11 a.m.”
Penny: “I know. You’re safe.”

(Don’t you just love continuity?)

Sheldon: -knocks- “Penny--”
Penny: -knocks from her side- “Sheldon.”
Sheldon: “…Penny.”
Penny: “Sheldon.”
Sheldon: “Penny.
Penny: “Sheldon?”
Sheldon: “Penny!
Penny: “Sheldon!

And who can forget the episode where Penny slips in the shower and hurt her arm? One of the more touching (figuratively) and realistic episodes: it showed that Sheldon really can be called upon in times of crisis, even if it takes him six knocks, and the beginnings of a bathroom-door knock, to do so.

One automated computer voice, one Flash Gordon knock, and one apology knock later, Sheldon ended up cementing his relationship with Penny through routine after all; albeit not in the way even he expected. I’m sure the day Sheldon can walk freely into Penny’s (or, now, Amy’s, apartment) without the subsequent knocks would be a day the fans remember well.

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