Sunday, November 25, 2012

So "Zazzy": The Soft Kitty Speculation

 Climbing down from the excitement of Thanksgiving, I find myself looking at the calendar, wondering why I feel a distinct withdrawal from Big Bang Theory. Alas, because the network rightly acknowledged the holiday, a new episode didn’t air this past Thursday. This leaves me with the need to find something nostalgic about the series to analyze for all of you.
The added fact that I’m cold due to an untimely Florida cold snap, typing this while wrapped in a blanket, can only mean I need to take another peek at Sheldon Cooper’s favorite illness go-to. No, not prescription medicine direct from the university labs, or his mother’s chicken noodle—I mean soft kitty, warm kitty. You can finish the rest of that sentence.

I’ll spare you all the full lyrics, besides that the lullaby describes an adorably fluffy, purring “kitty.” The mental image soothed young Sheldon when he was sick at home, or otherwise put out by something he didn’t understand as a child. Contrary to the rest of his behavior, cats have always seemed to brighten Sheldon’s spirits in some regard. Maybe one cat could do Sheldon a whole lot of good. Perhaps Leonard overstepped himself when he made Sheldon get rid of all his adopted cats.
I say he should have hung onto Zazzles.

The first time Penny exercises her vocal talents, fulfilling the role of soft-kitty-soprano, Sheldon locked himself out of his apartment and needed to spend a night at hers. Here, we see Sheldon’s blatant attachment to his house and home (never mind the obvious hint, with Sheldon’s “spot” on the sofa) as he gets homesick not halfway through the evening.
Sheldon later returns the favor in season 3, when she dislocates her shoulder and endures powerful…and head-spinning…pain medication. Somehow, they succeed in completing the number in a round.

A large hinge to their friendship revolves around the musical number, in hindsight. It’d figure the on-again-off-again single sweetheart and the solitary scientist would bond over something as simple, cute, and sometimes maniacal, as cats.

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