Thursday, February 28, 2013

How To: F.R.I.E.N.D.S Reunion

What am I talking about, every reunion with friends is a party by itself! Though, of course, I mean pulling out all the stops: Friends themed decorations, food, DVDs.
Oh, did you think I meant your closest neighbors or co-workers? I’m referring to the famed Big Apple bunch that hijacked out 8 pm time slots for ten years. It’s a F.R.I.E.N.D.S festivity.

Let’s start with the:

·      Invitations

Make them something that says F.R.I.E.N.D.S without saying F.R.I.E.N.D.S. My recommendation? A faux wedding-invite for one of Ross’ many nuptials…perhaps writing a slightly-skewed variation of the guest’s name in place of their actual! Ouch.

Once the date is set and your six guests are allotted (no more, no less), time to think about the:

·      Decorations

Posters are the most eye-catching things, and if you’re aiming for the iconic décor from Monica’s own digs, you’ll definitely need to snag what Cool TV Props has to offer. How about the Jouets Poster from her living room wall?  Frame it over the TV alongside something else garnishing the DVD area…try Rachel Green’s Excelsior poster.

Why just these two? Because then you’ll secure the most important adornment of all, for free: the peephole keychain! You could buy the official mirror-sized version for your front door or main entrance, but the keychain makes a great keepsake, and travels anytime, anywhere.

Time to consider the:

·      Menu

Score your favorite New York snacks and sides for a session of F.R.I.E.N.D.S seasons DVD watching and reminiscing—just watch for any sticky cookbook pages. A good idea would be to get a brew of your favorite coffee or hot drink ready, served in cups with handmade Central Perk labels.

However you spin the theme, friends always like spending time with other F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
Sorry. Had to squeeze in one last pun.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cat's Out of the Bag

“As you can see from your commemorative t-shirts, which I have dubbed, Sheldon’s Council of Ladies.
“…What is happening?”
--Sheldon and Penny, inaugurating the lady-council

As you know from the episode, Sheldon called upon a team meeting for lady advice once Alex reappeared at the beginning of Big Bang Theory season 6. His issues harken back to the days of her flirtatious behavior with Leonard, and he needs advice from the only three other women in his life he’s well acquainted with.

Enter the Council.

Sheldon gathers them together in Penny’s apartment and describes the office scenario: how the ginger Mexican navy man, eclipsed by his famous genius roommates’ prowess, now suffers the advances of the assistant colleague with the impossible-to-spell exotic name.
If that made no sense, Sheldon, with his imagination for lies and deceit, went overboard in choosing aliases for himself, Leonard, and his office assistant Alex. Well, for the latter two at least. He seemed to have no trouble calling himself “Dr. Einstein von Brainstorm.”

But this is where the rest of you come in. When the council unanimously—and swiftly—calls upon Sheldon to speak with Alex, he demanded back their t-shirts and rescinded their posts for being unimaginative. This means, naturally, he has a council that needs chairpeople.
Want to be on the docket?

Of course you do, which lady wouldn’t want to be on Sheldon’s Council of Ladies? I’m sure he’d be astounded over how large the council’s grown, seeing how many women own the now famous Council of Ladies t-shirt. Sign up’s easy. Just go to the Cool TV Props shop and purchase your order today! They come in ladies’ cut and ship worldwide.
Maybe someday every councilwoman can meet over tea and cookies in apartments around the globe. For now, we can all assist Sheldon with symbolic effort in mind.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Move It Like Barney

Barney’s weekend didn’t contain the three B’s, not when Robin walked out on all his bodacious Playbook schemes. In much the same way, Jeanette finally made her grand exit from Ted’s life, all thanks to the same elusive tome.
Another chapter comes to a close.

Ted finds himself on the seesaw with Jeanette, torn between her leaving him, going to Barney for wedding-date plays, her going back with him.
Her blowing up his apartment.
The three-episode arc reaches its end this episode of How I Met Your Mother with fire and a promise: Ted is ready to settle down.

I think we all know what comes next.

Lilly’s first job as art advisor is to rub elbows with the city’s up-and-coming art elite in one specific gallery opening. Marshall accompanies her and buys what will become his last bag of skittles. Ever. He might have destroyed the artist’s memoriam moment of silence spilling said bag of candy-coated rainbows, but he discovers he didn’t lose his Most Outgoing finesse after all; especially when it comes to bonding over TMNT. I mean really, who can’t bond over TMNT?

Robin catches Barney in the act of setting up Ted via Playbook plans, and you know what? He admits that he’s nothing short of a magician and liar. He tosses back that his life is a gambit, he puts on tricks for profession, and everything he’s striven for has been part of some grand scheme or illusion, all supported by his one truth, the other one rule: that he loves Robin Scherbatsky. While I squirm over a lack of lifelong honesty, it goes to show Robin can accept and love another despite their flaws, large and small.

The episode goes to show media doesn’t erode our interpersonal relationships, Ted.

I’ll see you all at the wedding.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How To: Your How I Met Your Mother Social

Before we even see the first sign of April Showers, winter brings the nail-biting scope of Awards Season. The other A-S pits our favorite actors, movies, and TV shows against one another; sometimes, comedies we celebrate with equal parts love and T-shirt devotion.

But never fear! Social media networks, internet users, and your very own Cool TV Props trend-watchers have the lowdown on how to party up one night—or every night—in true sitcom spirit. Today’s focus? How I Met Your Mother.
It’s time to suit up.

1.     Invites: What ignites curiosity faster than a black invitation only marked “It’s going to be LEGEN…wait for it…?” You’ll guarantee every curious eye with quotes drawn from Barney’s “Legen…DARY” wit—or with just the command to Suit Up, sit down, and be Awesome.

2.     Location: Your living room. Of course! The first buffer and final call for any gathering of friends, be they six friends or sixteen.

3.     Decorations: Save your money with several, loud items. Need we say it? Or can the likelihood of an invite needed some kind of “INTERVENTION” go unmentioned?

4.     Menu: Keep the food and drinks simple, snack-worthy, and easy to handle. Feeling a little MacLaren’s  inspired? Look up your favorite Irish finger-foods. Whatever you do, just don’t forget the gummy bears—your inner Barney Stinson would be most disappointed.

5.     Attire: Suits. Or, if you left your suits at the drycleaners, gnosh over your favorite Classic Brobib; the diner’s way to suit up and eat up.

6.     Party Favors: Remind every one of your guests post gathering (or award’s show) that they’re worthy of the unique and special, with a Blue French Horn keychain! You didn’t commit felonies to score these, but the message rings true in the best of friends.

7.     The Unexpected: Want to make your guests feel especially honored? Cool TV Props gift-wraps party favors. Just make the request when you order online, today!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Welcome To My World

Will the new girl become the Amy to Raj’s Sheldon? We’ll find out in more episodes to come…hopefully without anyone bailing out of a coffee-shop bathroom.

While Raj’s first date goes awry doing just that, Sheldon learns a thing or two about acting and etiquette. He applies what he knows to his escalating web series, Fun with Flags; the private way he resists being put down by The Man.
When he thanks Penny at Amy’s behest for her body-language coaching, she invites the pair to go see her acting group’s Friday Night play. Sheldon begrudgingly accepts.

“Spread your legs, invite them in.”
-- Yes. This was Sheldon.

Amy diverts to Sheldon-status tactics and learns on her own what’s not considered scientifically professional.
We’re reunited with her nicotine-study monkeys and, when they’re limited to one cigarette a day, give her such a hard time she starts playing hardball. Only, the athletic equipment isn’t so traditional.
Her throwing arm landed her off the project, free to accompany Sheldon to Penny’s play.

Meanwhile, Howard, Leonard, and Bernadette go console Raj after his crummy date, only to find he’d newly elected a monk’s life, complete with lobster and garlic butter. He could have used a BroBib with his getup, sorry pal.
They couldn’t solve the issue right away, though later on in the comic book store, the mystery girl returns with a letter and an apology for Koothrappali.

She apologizes at the episode’s conclusion by revealing she possessed a host of her own social anxiety issues. I thought it refreshing CBS spotlighted social problems and psychological diagnoses. While Raj’s silence might make for a good laugh track, they remind us all their disorders are actual struggles for many people today.

Yet, for all their preconditions, the two may find a matching pair in one another. Maybe Raj can start keeping less beer on hand with this one—more Chai.